Investor Compass

A complete suitability assessment of your client's financial risk appetite, ESG preferences, and financial personality. Enabling you and your firm to improve investor engagement and grow and retain assets under management with regulatory peace of mind.

Investor Compass is an end-to-end risk profiling and suitability solution – built on advanced behavioural finance. A comprehensive financial profiling process is crucial in revealing an investor’s willingness and ability – both financial and emotional – to take risk, and to calmly take control of their finances. This goes far beyond risk tolerance and onboarding, we want to help you provide the lifetime of guidance that investors need.

Our unique behavioural finance technology supports vulnerable investors, evaluates goal affordability, and accounts for sequencing and drawdown risks. The Investor Compass solution also includes a comprehensive ESG investment assessment that engages clients on their preferences, enabling deeper conversations with investors along with the ability to better match them to responsible or sustainable investment solutions.


End-to-end risk suitability solution

A scientifically and behaviourally validated means of understanding what investments are suitable for investors.

  • An advanced algorithm for establishing risk tolerance and capacity
  • Additional Knowledge & Experience assessment
  • Additional Risk Capacity calculation
  • Between two and ten minutes to complete
  • A robust methodology for mapping investor risk profiles to appropriate investment risk levels
  • Visualise client investments with Portfolio Risk Calculator

Financial personality assessments

A psychometric Risk Tolerance questionnaire that’s thoroughly tested for reliability and validity allowing you to steer your clients over their investing lifetimes for the best results.

  • Stable measurement of willingness to take investment risk
  • Includes key aspects of emotional ability to take investment risk and an investors emotional resilience through the investing journey

Client ESG investment preferences

Understand client attitudes to ESG on five dimensions in a regulatory compliant way for greater engagement.

  • Assess investors interest in sustainable investing​
  • Understand which aspects of E, S and G matter the most​ to clients
  • Dig deep into an investor’s granular sustainable preferences
  • Better ESG conversations enabling client matching to sustainable investments



Investor Compass is available in three different pricing plans

Please select a plan below to see the pricing.

Partner Ecosystem






Digital and Hybrid Wealth

Computer screen showing dashboards with charts from the Investor Compass solution

Quickly and easily create an end-to-end digital investment suitability journey by integrating our API into your advice systems

  • Increase profitability by freeing up adviser time
  • Serve more clients at scale
  • Extensive data and MI for behavioural client segmentation and targeted sales
  • ‘Plug and play’ flexible API access or get support for your implementation

Retirement Income Suitability

Our innovative solution helps clients find a suitable balance between guaranteed income and investment draw-down.

A popular retirement strategy is to use part of a pot of investible assets (typically from a pension) to provide a guaranteed income, leaving the other part exposed to the market – perhaps to leave a legacy, or to defer deciding how to use the money.

Our unique At-Retirement Suitability solution supports wealth managers and their clients to understand:

  1. How much of the investor’s investible assets should be used to purchase a guaranteed income?
  2. How much investment risk should be taken with the part that remains invested?

FCA Consumer Duty (PS22/9)

Meet FCA Consumer Duty in a client-friendly way straight out of the box

Measure Risk Tolerance quickly, using the most robust psychometric questionnaire. Meet Consumer Duty rules and know how investors will feel and behave at every stage of the investment journey by using our additional behavioural traits.

Effortlessly assess Knowledge & Experience (K&E) and identify potential areas of vulnerability.

Check investing is affordable based on the client's financial circumstances and establish the right level of risk to take based on the client's needs, objectives, and characteristics. Match investors to investments based on their emotional and financial personality whilst demonstrating and evidencing that you're delivering good investor outcomes.

MiFID II Compliant

Meet MiFID II directives with suitability and sustainability assessment solutions for advisory firms throughout Europe.

Oxford Risk’s investment suitability software is an award-winning end-to-end software solution for European banks, wealth management firms, and financial institutions looking to meet their MiFID II regulatory obligations.

The suitability solution is fully integrated and can be deployed out-of-the-box or via API to meet your requirements.


Oxford Risk’s Investor Compass solution integrates with most popular back-office systems, and we have a roadmap for further future integrations.


Interested in building an integration?

We have a full suite of open APIs which allow 3rd party providers to integrate with our solutions. For further information please review our API documentation or contact us to discuss further.

Some of our clients

Latest resource

More Than Mere Measurement: Guide to Client Investment Suitability

A good suitability assessment is greater than the sum of its component parts. Each of those parts must be measured, and measured well, but the way in which you measure them, especially with an eye on how they all fit together, is just as crucial as what you measure in the first place.

More Than Mere Measurement: Guide to Client Investment Suitability