Guides & Reports

Turbocharging Organic AUM Growth with Behavioural Finance

Turbocharging Organic AUM Growth with Behavioural Finance

On average, investors sacrifice 300 bps of potential returns each year due to the need for emotional comfort. Join Oxford Risk’s latest webinar to discover how to help mitigate these losses, and instead drive organic growth in AUM for you and your firm.

Wealth Managers are Still Adapting to MiFID II

Wealth Managers are Still Adapting to MiFID II

Download this report to see how more than 200 wealth managers from across Europe are responding to MiFID regulations and directives a decade on from when the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) first published them.

Thought Leadership
Suitable Drawdown Whitepaper. Guaranteed Income & Investment Risk: How Much of Each?

Suitable Drawdown Whitepaper. Guaranteed Income & Investment Risk: How Much of Each?

A popular retirement strategy is to use part of a pot of investible assets (typically from a pension) to provide a guaranteed income, leaving the other part exposed to the market. This paper looks at how to apply a scientific suitability methodology to this strategy.

Guaranteed Income & Investment Risk: How Much of Each?

Guaranteed Income & Investment Risk: How Much of Each?

Join special guests, JUST Group and behavioural finance specialists, Oxford Risk for an on-demand webinar that applies a behavioural lens to an often overlooked but complex question around retirement drawdown.

Oxford Risk Insight on Updated MiFID Guidance from ESMA

Oxford Risk Insight on Updated MiFID Guidance from ESMA

Download our insight for firms on the updated MiFID guidance issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Green, Keen, and Growing: Meeting increasing investor demand for sustainability

Green, Keen, and Growing: Meeting increasing investor demand for sustainability

Discover how behavioural finance can accurately assess and capture investor preferences for sustainability and ESG, aligning them with suitable investment portfolios as EQ Investors and Oxford Risk partner in this new webinar.