Oxford Risk leads the way in using wealth for good with ESG award

May 30, 2022


Globally recognised expert in applied decision science, behavioural finance, and financial wellbeing, as well as a specialist in both the theory and practice of risk profiling. He started the banking world’s first behavioural finance team as Head of Behavioural-Quant Finance at Barclays, which he built and led for a decade from 2006.

Best Sustainability & ESG Thought Leadership

Winning the ‘Best Sustainability & ESG Thought Leadership’ award at the Inaugural WealthBriefing Wealth for Good Awards highlights Oxford Risk’s pioneering position in understanding investors’ social goals and matching them with sustainable investment solutions.

There’s an important distinction between the new and the novel.  

Novelty is passive. It takes familiar objects and puts them together in a different way. It rearranges and repackages. Newness, by contrast, is active. It takes the known and recreates it to reveal something unknown, something previously unseen. It sees not merely objects, but opportunities.

Sustainable investing, if it’s to be a success for both investors and the world, needs more than just rebranding old funds by putting ‘ESG’ in their name. It needs new thinking, not old thinking repackaged.

We’re delighted to win the inaugural WealthBriefing Wealth for Good Award for Best Sustainability and ESG Thought Leadership, because it recognises both that accounting for investors’ social preferences needs a new, deeper, understanding of financial personalities, and that suitability – matching investors to the right investments for them – is therefore at the heart of helping people use their wealth for good.

As our Head of Behavioural Finance, Greg B. Davies said in relation to the win, Oxford Risk’s suite of behavioural suitability tools,

“enables asset managers and wealth managers to go well beyond any regulatory box-ticking exercise to truly, deeply, understanding their clients’ attitudes to what they want from their investments when it comes to not only their financial needs but also their emotional needs and their social values.”

New thinking requires deep roots

Fresh insight requires imagination, but it rests on a foundation of reliable research.

The ESG enhancement to our financial personality assessment reflects half a decade of collecting and analysing data on people’s attitudes to doing good with their wealth from thousands of people across four continents. We’ve also partnered with major financial institutions to produce reports based on profiles of both their clients, and the wider areas in which they work. This research has resulted in wide-ranging benefits for both individual investors and the designers of sustainable investment solutions.

As Greg B. Davies continued:

“This enables our clients to be able to provide hyper-personalised solutions to each investor, and also to guide their development of their propositions and their products.”

The judges were particularly impressed by how our blend of data and technology enables hyper-personalised solutions to be designed and operated at scale, to deliver bespoke behavioural solutions to a mass audience:

“The judges’ winner engages with the market to help advisory institutions meet the challenges posed by matching a world of increased investor opportunity with demand for personalised solutions, and to leverage insights into individual investor behaviour at scale. This greatly impressed the panel of judges.”

To find out more about how we can help you assess your clients’ sustainable-investing preferences, or to enquire about partnering on future research projects, please contact us.

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